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              DURA WAY  (Printable PDF)


DURA WAY oils comprise a family of products developed for the lubrication of machine tool ways.  These lubricants are compounded from paraffinic base stocks and have been fortified with selected friction reducing and extreme pressure additives to yield a group of oils possessing the film strength and lubricity necessary to eliminate slideway chatter and the stick-slip wear of machine tables under heavy loads.  In addition, DURA WAY oils contain a component to impart tackiness and adhesiveness as well as an anti-oxident to promote oxidation stability.

DURA WAY SLIDEWAY LUBRICANTS provide smooth operation under moderate and severe conditions and are recommended for machine tools which rely on slideways for precision and accuracy.

DURA WAY SLIDEWAY LUBRICANTS are formulated to exceed the performance criterion set forth by the major machine tool manufacturers and are available in four viscosity grades.  Follow tool builder's recommendations with respect to method of application and proper viscosity grade.

 Typical Characteristics

DURA WAY 10 20  30 50
Viscosity, SUS @ 100F 150 350 500 1000
Flash Point, COC DEG F >400 >400 >400 >400
  Viscosity Index (min.)  95 95 95 95
 ISO Viscosity Grade  32 68 100   220


Packaging : DURAWAY SLIDEWAY LUBRICANTS are available in 55 gallon steel drums  and bulk quantities.

 For additional information,  product samples,  etc., please contact;



Fort Worth Texas

Metro (817)  293-4645


Information contained herein is believed to be correct and reliable.  However, Maxim Petrochemical Corporation does not assume liability for it or for recommendations of our representatives inasmuch as conditions and methods of use are beyond our control.  Further, we make no warranty, expressed or implied, of any kind regarding those products or their use and purchaser assumes all risks of use or handling either in accordance with directions or not


The information and recommendations contained herein are, to the best of the knowledge and belief of Maxim Petrochemical Corporation, accurate and reliable as of the date issued.  Maxim does not warrant or guarantee their reliability, and Maxim shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of use thereof.

The information and recommendations are for the user's consideration and examination.  Conditions of use are beyond Maxim's control and therefore users are responsible to verify this data under their own operating conditions to determine whether the product is suitable for their particular purposes and they assume all risk of their use, handling, and disposal of the product(s).  This information relates only to the product(s) designated herein and does not relate to its use in combination with any other material or in any other process.




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                                                                                                                                       Last modified: August 19, 2016